April 25, 2024

WVANA Disclaimer

While the WVANA may update this website, it makes no representation, warranty, or assurance as to the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the site or any information contained herein. In no event shall the WVANA be liable to anyone for any damages or injury whatsoever resulting either from his/her access to, and use of, information at this Internet site, or from his/her inability for any reason to gain access to this site. The content published on this website may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. The WVANA may at any time and for any reason delete, modify or supplement the content of this site without notice and at its sole discretion.

This website may contain links and pointers to Internet sites maintained by others. The WVANA does not operate or control in any respect any information, products or services on such third-party sites. Third party links are included solely for the convenience of users, and do not constitute any endorsement by the WVANA. The WVANA shall have no responsibility for the content on such sites and WVANA shall have no liability for damages or injury resulting from content at other sites.

This site is intended to provide a service to visitors. The WVANA reserves the right to deny access to this website to anyone at any time.